
1. Front raised seam
2. Head nail/small saddle nail
3. Adjustable gullet/adjustable head plate
4. Skirt
5. Large saddle nail
6. Knee pad
7. Flap
8. Boot protection/saddle flap protection
9. Stirrup leather keeper/stirrup leather loop
10. Decorative seam/stitching
11. Gusseted panels
12. Flocking Padding
13. Rear raised seam/Rear thrust
14. Cantle
15. Seat
16. Narrow twist
17. Pommel
18. Saddle maker plate/saddle insignia
19. Breastplate dee ring
20. Stirrup bar
21. Tree Point
22. Sweat flap
23. Billet straps
24. Knee roll
25. Billet guard
26. Calf block
27. Billet guard cut-out
28. Knee block
29. Gusseted panels/base of freedom panels
30. Stitches to open for reflocking
31. Cross belt to attach/stirrup bar
Here you can find the terminology for the Jumpin Saddle (pdf 672 KB)