EVO-S Jumping Saddle
The new, state-of-the-art jumping saddle for an exceptionally soft sitting sensation – a comfort achieved by soft inserts on the skirt and by the soft seat lining that runs smoothly into the saddle flap, ensuring very good contact with the horse. Furthermore the saddle tree is designed for ultimate comfort in the area of the seat bones and the narrow twist enables the rider to have close contact to the horse. The soft 10 mm latex lining in the saddle panel makes the saddle very comfortable for the horse, too. In addition the EVO-S offers the horse maximum freedom of movement: the cut back head of the saddle, the wider gullet plate and the saddle panel, which lets the trapezius muscle move freely create optimum freedom for the withers. The flexible tip of the saddle panel snuggly follows the anatomy of the horse and provides excellent freedom for the shoulder. The high flexibility in the longitudinal axis, which avoids confinement of the horse’s spine and an even contact area of the saddle on the horse’s back support the freedom of movement. The short, round form of the saddle panel let it come off the horse’s back quickly, minimizing the build-up of pressure. The saddle is available with sparkling Premium Crystals and design variations on the cantle.
Refinement with Premium Crystals
Design Variations on the Cantle
Natural Grip leather
Seat, knee inserts, and panels: Selloil leather
PS saddle tree with narrow twist and wider gullet plate, broad, soft seat, cut back head of the saddle, square cantle with Passier lettering, OPV knee blocks and small thigh blocks, freedom panels
16" to 19"