Connection Jumping Saddle

The modern jumping saddle for a comfortable seating sensation with the center of gravity further forward. Thanks to the soft Deluxe doubling of the saddle saddle flaps and the narrow twist of the flat PS Saddle Tree, the saddle offers optimum seating comfort and direct contact with the horse. The slightly triangular knee blocks and the small thigh blocks provide support when jumping. Freedom at the withers, shoulder freedom, the flexible tip of the saddle panel and the PS Saddle Tree, which is flexible in the longitudinal axis ensure a first-class fit on the horse.

Design Variations on the Cantle


Seat, knee inserts, and panels: Selloil leather,
Large and small saddle flaps with Deluxe doubling


PS saddle tree with narrow twist, soft seat with center of gravity further forward, cut back head of the saddle, square cantle with Passier lettering, OP VI (YWF +1) knee blocks and small thigh blocks, freedom panels


16" to 19"



Art. no. 501

The width of the gullet plate can be adjusted to different horses