Passier. A History of Success since 1867
In 1867, the regimental saddler of the Royal Uhlan Regiment No. 13, Georg Christian Passier opens his own saddlery at Aegidientorplatz close to the city center of Hanover. Soon afterwards, he moves his business to the location Lange Laube 2, in the immediate vicinity of the barracks of the Royal Uhlans. An independent craftsman’s establishment is only allowed to be run by a citizen of the city. On September 17, 1867, Georg Christian Passier’s name is entered into Hanover’s civil records of the Royal Residential Town Hanover. Consequently, this date is considered the official day of the establishment of the firm.

1901 – The Second Generation Enters the Business
His son, Ernst Heinrich Georg Passier, born in 1872, also becomes a master saddler and enters his father’s business in the year 1901, at the age of 28. From now on the business name is “G. Passier & Sohn, Court and Regiment Saddler”. At the beginning of the First World War the company employs 80 workers. The war is followed by hard times. Civilian riding goes into steep decline; horse-drawn carriages and horses in harness are increasingly replaced by automobiles. Ernst Passier does not give up, however, and he succeeds in renewing old connections with foreign countries, intensifying them and even developing new markets. Passier saddles, which have been a byword for quality in Germany for decades, now also find their place abroad.

1930 – The Time Has Come for the Third Generation
In 1930, Georg Passier, Ernst Passier’s son who was born in 1907, joins the business. He has not only learned the saddler’s trade, but additionally has a commercial training and has spent one year in the USA. This furthers G. Passier & Sohn’s internationalization. In spite of the economic crisis of the early 1930s, riding becomes more popular again. But then the war begins and and the company headquarters is destroyed by air strikes. Georg Passier, however, follows his basic principle “We have to move on!” After taking stock of both the evacuated machines and leathers that remain undamaged, preparations for a new start can be undertaken at the new adress Am Herrenhäuser Bahnhof at the end of the war. His commitment is rewarded by the first large orders. A steady upswing commences and Passier is part of the so-called economic miracle in Germany. Production in Herrenhausen moves into high gear. The export of quality products “Made in Germany” becomes one of the main pillars of Passier. In 1967 the company moves into the new headquarters Am Pferdemarkt 8+10 in Langenhagen, near Hanover. Passier remains committed to its German heritage and tradition.

1968 – The Fourth Generation Joins the Company
From a young age the great-grandchild of the company’s founder, Katrin Passier, spends a lot of time in the company with her father. After her marriage in 1966, her husband Jochen A. Kannemeier also joins the company. A qualified chemical engineer by trade, he changes his job, learns the second profession from scratch and enters the expanding, family-owned company on September 17, 1968, exactly 101 years to the day after the founding of the company. He continues on the path set out by his predecessors – quality and craftsmanship – and initiates the expansion of the company. In the 1980s, the company experiences further growth including the use of additional production facilities.

1994 – The Fifth Generation Enters the Picture
Georg Dirk Kannemeier, son of Katrin and Jochen Kannemeier, the fifth generation of the family, joins the company in 1994, exactly 80 years after the death of Georg Christian Passier. The former craftsman’s establishment employs about 80 workers and exports to over 40 countries on all continents. Naturally, the office buildings as well as the production halls behind them are frequently modernized to fulfill new and expanding requirements. Passier continues to uphold its “Made in Germany” standards, which ensures a smooth implementation of innovations in product development and production. Passier products are still being hand-made individually from the finest materials and components from carefully selected suppliers. It has always been like that – and will always remain that way.

Ready for the Future
Passier continues to thrive in a market driven by tradition and innovation. If you want top quality equestrian products, look no further – Passier delivers. We are convinced that only carefully selected specialized dealers can offer the kind of qualified consultation and advice necessary to provide riders in all disciplines with the right saddles, bridles and accessories. Strict quality control has been our guiding principle since 1867 and will remain our top priority in the future. That is a promise! Since the foundation of our company many things have changed. Passier saddles, bridles and accessories are still around. And that’s a good sign. Because it is proof that high quality combined with tradition succeeds.