Sören von Rönne
Sören von Rönne has been competing successfully in show jumping events for many years – naturally with products by G. Passier & Sohn. He gained his first riding experience as a child and a few years later he celebrated great sporting success as Team World Champion and Derby winner. Sören von Rönne is a long-standing member of the German Olympic Committee for Equestrian Sports (DOKR).
Meanwhile he runs his own stud, where he also trains talented horses. In daily jumping training he always uses the Marcus Ehning Jumping Saddle, the round Icarus Double Bridle, the Scorpius, Neptune or Leo Snaffles Bridles, the Marcus Ehning Breastplate and the Marcus Ehning or curved Leather Saddle Girth.
In 2012 Sören von Rönne married Danish jumping rider Charlotte Lund – who also uses Passier products.