Kai Rüder
Kai Rüder, the very likeable World Champion event rider of 7-year old up-and-coming young horses and Olympic rider for Germany, has placed his trust in Passier for over 20 years now.
When it is a question of work in the dressage arena, he rides in the horse-friendly Hubertus Schmidt Dressage Saddle with the short, curved Leather Saddle Girth and, in matching style, the softly padded Hubertus Schmidt Double Bridle which is also particularly easy on the horse. When riding cross country Kai Rüder uses the Eventing Jumping and Cross-Country Saddle, which gives the horse optimum freedom of movement, the long, curved Leather Saddle Girth, the Phoenix Snaffle Bridle with horse-friendly broad contact surface and the matching embossed Phoenix Breastplate.
In the trust-based partnership between Kai Rüder and Passier, Passier products prove their reliability everyday as new as they rise to every challenge in the arena as well as “out in the field“.